Adopt a Cherry Tree in Central Otago
Choose your Cherry Tree, we do all the hard work, share updates with you, then send you your cherries when they are ready to harvest.
Electric Cherries as featured on
Choose your Tree
Follow the Journey

Receive your Harvest

Join the farming lifestyle and follow along on the process
Follow the Journey
As we work to grow the cherries on your adopted tree, we will post updates on your dashboard for you to follow along.
Share your Tree with Family and Friends.
You can share these updates through a special link to family and friends who are joining on your journey.

Supporting growing change
When you adopt one of our electric cherry tree's you are showing your support for our mission here at forest lodge orchard.
Better for the Planet
Zero fossil fuels used on farm
100% electric grown cherries
We will email a certificate of adoption for you to proudly display that you're supporting change in how New Zealand grows its food.
Come on the farming Journey
We're excited to be opening up sharing the electrification journey with the rest of New Zealand. Join Rachel, Rebecca, Mike & Euan on the farm for updates.
Adopt a Tree
Choose your tree in our orchard
Watch the updates on progress
Get your cherries when they're ready
Once you adopt your chosen tree you will receive a login to your dashboard where you can follow along with the growing journey.
When your cherries are at their best we will pick the cherries from your tree and ship them to you. We expect to send you 6KG of cherries from each tree. Your shipping is included in the price of adoption.
We will send you your cherries split into 2kg boxes making it perfect to share with family and friends.